Firefox Focus的Total Cookie Protection
Firefox安卓版的浏览器本身体验是相当好。Firefox还有一款非常注重隐私保护的手机浏览器Firefox Focus,新发布的93版,默认开启了Total Cookie Protection(全面Cookie保护)功能(查看官方更新公告),让桌面版的功能首次在安卓手机端启用:
The Total Cookie Protection has been part of the desktop version of the web browser and is enabled by default, but porting it to the Android version took some time. In fact, this is the first mobile browser to offer such feature.
Firefox Focus for Android now prevents websites from tracking you via cookies
阻止跨网站 cookie:该项开启全面 cookie 保护,它把 cookie 隔离在其创建的网站。该设置不仅覆盖到 cookie,也覆盖到一系列以前可能会被用于跨网站跟踪的浏览器技术。
Firefox Focus不是一个传统意义的浏览器,功能相当不完善,但是,对隐私浏览特别看重的使用场景,还是非常有用的,比如,我就会用来做网站测试。